I'm also missing my baby now. I don't know what will happen when i go out to work next time. Will we still miss each other badly like now or age will change everything?I plan to save up and open a shop for baby to run (Bee...you think carefully over what you want...k)
Today is the 19th of April, 2 more days to our 2nd month together. I already told baby about the plan for that day. Too bad, I'm jobless and can't bring her out for a better celebration (Bee...I hope you won't mind the simple fare).I need to get a job asap!!!
On Thursday night, Baby and I chatted a while on the phone before sleep. But as I was lying on my bed, my eyes become heavy and started to close. Just at that point of time, Baby woke me up. She asked me what was I saying but I did not remember saying anything. Baby laughed and said that I did say something afterall and said that I was cute(Really ma...bee). I found out what I said from her the next day and I too laughed out loud together with her sis and her. I didn't know I could do something like this.
Well, looking forward to meeting her especially on the Tuesday. How i wish i can get something for her. Pictures can't be taken from my phone le as I've sold my F480 so now have to use Baby's. I will upload the pictures taken on that day (Sure nice nice de...hehe... :P)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
A day with mixed feelings

Baby was sick with flu and fever and spent the whole of Friday at home resting. I was also coming down with the virus with a heavy head and aching body. We decided to catch a movie on Sat so that we could meet up with each other. Initially, we thought we are late for the movie again,as usual. We reached Jurong Point at 2.50pm, which is the time the movie supposed to start. We rushed up o the cinema and went to get our tickets and nachos. We headed to the theatre and luckily, we did not miss any part of the movie as it had not started yet. The movie was very nice, from the starting til the end(pictures shown above). Everyone was at the end of their seats with no one munching on their tidbits as the first part was very exciting (Go watch it and you will know...haha). We both think there will be part 5 for this movie as the ending is quite obvious.
After that, we walked abit and went to New York New York for dinner. Baby ate her cabonara,again and I ordered the salmon steak. The dinner was overall ok and we were shocked when the saff started to sing the birthday song as someone was celebrating her birthday there. After that, we decided to take a cab back to Ten Mile Junction as I initially wanted to get my essentials and Baby wanted to see her fan. But I think I'm having a terrible headache and I let my mood affected my feelings. I started to neglect my baby(p.s --> Baby, I'm sorry...I won't let it happen again) Upon reaching Ten Mile Junction, we walked a bit but did not buy anything. As we were heading towards the exit, Baby wanted to get the chinese medical drink for me. But I did something real bad which upsetted her. I said I don't want and I think I kinda showed her a face. I felt so guilty afterwards after seeing her reaction. I tried to pamper her but to no avail. The walk home is about 30 mins but then I felt like we took an hour. What's suppose to be a happy day turns out to be like this. We sms-ed at home and I found out something about our future. I have to treat her real good from now on in order for that to happen.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
More pics of my baby

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
BiRtH oF ThE bAbY - Part 2

I shall continue with the story as promised earlier. The above picture shows the bear which I did for my baby. There are a few ones but I decided to show the one that I did for her. I got a hard time choosing the clothes as you have to match them. I'm glad she likes it when I gave it to her.
We didn't go out on a date until January. It was with her brother though but then,it's still a date. We went Vivo to get CNY clothes for her brother and then we walked around. We didn't really do much that day. As normal, we will msg and call each other every day without fail. I feel so wierd not hearing her voice before sleep. Maybe I'm too used to it liao...haha.
We went for our first movie on the first day of CNY. The movie was 幸福万岁.The movie was so hilarious that we kept laughing throughout the movie and even after the show. Til now,I still can remember some part of the movie.
Our first valentine spent together came as a surprised as I've asked her whether she will want to go out with me on that day a few weeks before. Maybe I too kiasu le...haha. The first time I ask her,she replied me " see how lo". The second time I asked her, she said "dunno lehx". I was so disheartened that I don't dare to ask her the third time as the day gets nearer. But a week before that, I got her a Coach bag as I knew that she needs a new bag for work. I felt so happy when I turned up outside her door with the bag in the hand and surprised her with it. On the eve of Valentine's day, I was about to ask her the same question when she suddenly asked me" are you going out tomorrow ? " I was a bit shocked and I asked her why. Then she replied "no lah, maybe ask you out for a lunch or dinner loh, just a simple one" I was belated with joy. Although I appear calm,but my heart inside was screaming with joy. I can't believe it that she chose to go out with me when she got so many guy friends who are waiting to date her on that day. On that day, I woke up quite early as I was thinking where to get the flowers. I tried searching for it at Bukit Panjang Plaza but I was told that I can only collect the flowers only at night. In the end, I got the flowers from Lot 1 but I was far from happy as the flowers look so small and pathetic (p.s --->bee, the next bunch of flowers I get for you will definitely be nicer de...hehe. We went Kbox at Suntec and then we headed back home as she was tired. Although it's a short date but I still enjoyed the time spent with her.
Slowly as time goes by, we got closer and closer by each day. She even went to my colleague's bbq session where my friends know her as my "gf" though its unofficial at that time. But I'm still happy that she doesn't mind me introducing her as my "gf". Now, she's my sweetest baby. And I will shower her with lots of love ( baby...I promise ).
Sunday, April 5, 2009
BiRtH oF ThE bAbY - Part 1
Birth of the baby ? Why do I named it as that ? Cos I've got a baby now...not as in a infant though...she is my dear "Baby Daphne". I will try to show her pic here if she allows me to...haha.
How it all started ? (Read on to find out yourself...wahaha!!!)
It all began a few months back in Nov last year when I go to know her thru a dating application. It was jus a normal boring session until the application matched me and her and that's where we first chatted. I managed to get her msn as chatting on that stupid application was frustrating and more troublesome. From her display picture in her msn, I thought she might be quite a nice girl like those decent type so I was thinking I should go make friend with her. But then,she was seldom online thus reducing the number of times chatting with her. We are like those people who will only chat when feel bored or no one to chat with at first. After a while, I got to know that she's attached. I was disheartened but then I don't know why I didn't gave up the idea of knowing her which I normally would. Some friends labelled me as a bastard who go disturb other couple.(e.g ---> pei yi jie aka aunty pei yi ... haha)
After some time chatting on msn, I found out abit more about her and her then-bf. But then the most interesting part is that she actually stays the same area as me. I managed to get her number and I begin sms-ing her. The first time we met was on a saturday. She was suppose to go out with her friends and I'm mugging for my exams then. She said she wanted to meet me as the time was early,I was hestitant at first cos I haven really study yet but then I still met her in the end. Then when I was about to leave, she called me and chatted awhile. My cute baby asked me whether I got smoke but then I lie to her saying I don't( p.s --->that is the only time I lied to her), then she also ask whether if I mind that she got a tattoo. Haha...only such a cute girl will ask such a cute question...nevertheless,the meeting was a normal one...chatting and finding out more about each other.
We started to sms every other day and then slowly start to chat on the phone before sleep at night. My friends all said we are so sweet to do that every night. The first present I bought for her was a bear. It was a x'mas gift. Initially, I meant to get her a necklace but then just couldn't get my eyes on something. My friend suggested making a bear for her when we passed by the shop at Vivocity. I think it might be something special as I've never tried it before. But the choosing of the bear and the clothes is also hard as there are so many type of clothes for the bear.(pictures will be uploaded if the owner of the bear allows it...) In the end I chose something which gave the x'mas feel.
This is what we did til the end of last year...I will update the 2nd part of the story which starts from the beginning of thisyear.
How it all started ? (Read on to find out yourself...wahaha!!!)
It all began a few months back in Nov last year when I go to know her thru a dating application. It was jus a normal boring session until the application matched me and her and that's where we first chatted. I managed to get her msn as chatting on that stupid application was frustrating and more troublesome. From her display picture in her msn, I thought she might be quite a nice girl like those decent type so I was thinking I should go make friend with her. But then,she was seldom online thus reducing the number of times chatting with her. We are like those people who will only chat when feel bored or no one to chat with at first. After a while, I got to know that she's attached. I was disheartened but then I don't know why I didn't gave up the idea of knowing her which I normally would. Some friends labelled me as a bastard who go disturb other couple.(e.g ---> pei yi jie aka aunty pei yi ... haha)
After some time chatting on msn, I found out abit more about her and her then-bf. But then the most interesting part is that she actually stays the same area as me. I managed to get her number and I begin sms-ing her. The first time we met was on a saturday. She was suppose to go out with her friends and I'm mugging for my exams then. She said she wanted to meet me as the time was early,I was hestitant at first cos I haven really study yet but then I still met her in the end. Then when I was about to leave, she called me and chatted awhile. My cute baby asked me whether I got smoke but then I lie to her saying I don't( p.s --->that is the only time I lied to her), then she also ask whether if I mind that she got a tattoo. Haha...only such a cute girl will ask such a cute question...nevertheless,the meeting was a normal one...chatting and finding out more about each other.
We started to sms every other day and then slowly start to chat on the phone before sleep at night. My friends all said we are so sweet to do that every night. The first present I bought for her was a bear. It was a x'mas gift. Initially, I meant to get her a necklace but then just couldn't get my eyes on something. My friend suggested making a bear for her when we passed by the shop at Vivocity. I think it might be something special as I've never tried it before. But the choosing of the bear and the clothes is also hard as there are so many type of clothes for the bear.(pictures will be uploaded if the owner of the bear allows it...) In the end I chose something which gave the x'mas feel.
This is what we did til the end of last year...I will update the 2nd part of the story which starts from the beginning of thisyear.
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