I shall continue with the story as promised earlier. The above picture shows the bear which I did for my baby. There are a few ones but I decided to show the one that I did for her. I got a hard time choosing the clothes as you have to match them. I'm glad she likes it when I gave it to her.
We didn't go out on a date until January. It was with her brother though but then,it's still a date. We went Vivo to get CNY clothes for her brother and then we walked around. We didn't really do much that day. As normal, we will msg and call each other every day without fail. I feel so wierd not hearing her voice before sleep. Maybe I'm too used to it liao...haha.
We went for our first movie on the first day of CNY. The movie was 幸福万岁.The movie was so hilarious that we kept laughing throughout the movie and even after the show. Til now,I still can remember some part of the movie.
Our first valentine spent together came as a surprised as I've asked her whether she will want to go out with me on that day a few weeks before. Maybe I too kiasu le...haha. The first time I ask her,she replied me " see how lo". The second time I asked her, she said "dunno lehx". I was so disheartened that I don't dare to ask her the third time as the day gets nearer. But a week before that, I got her a Coach bag as I knew that she needs a new bag for work. I felt so happy when I turned up outside her door with the bag in the hand and surprised her with it. On the eve of Valentine's day, I was about to ask her the same question when she suddenly asked me" are you going out tomorrow ? " I was a bit shocked and I asked her why. Then she replied "no lah, maybe ask you out for a lunch or dinner loh, just a simple one" I was belated with joy. Although I appear calm,but my heart inside was screaming with joy. I can't believe it that she chose to go out with me when she got so many guy friends who are waiting to date her on that day. On that day, I woke up quite early as I was thinking where to get the flowers. I tried searching for it at Bukit Panjang Plaza but I was told that I can only collect the flowers only at night. In the end, I got the flowers from Lot 1 but I was far from happy as the flowers look so small and pathetic (p.s --->bee, the next bunch of flowers I get for you will definitely be nicer de...hehe. We went Kbox at Suntec and then we headed back home as she was tired. Although it's a short date but I still enjoyed the time spent with her.
Slowly as time goes by, we got closer and closer by each day. She even went to my colleague's bbq session where my friends know her as my "gf" though its unofficial at that time. But I'm still happy that she doesn't mind me introducing her as my "gf". Now, she's my sweetest baby. And I will shower her with lots of love ( baby...I promise ).
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